Tipu Skills for Life aims to provide a long-term, early intervention, therapeutic program.

The program is designed for 9-11-year-olds, with six participants in each program.

We believe that all people have strengths and capacities, and people change and grow by realising these strengths and capacities.

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    Aotearoa, New Zealand

    The program began in Tauranga Moana, Bay of Plenty working in partnership with local whānau and their communities. We are proud that the program reflects the rich culture of this country through its content and style.

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    Relationship Focused

    It is all about connection for us. We spend time building relationships. We believe that change is a partnership which happens over time by working with all those involved, from school staff, whānau, participants and community.

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    Individual and Whānau support

    We work with the young person and their whānau in a way that respects their dreams, hopes and needs using community resources.

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    As our name suggests we believe our program gives useful, real, long-term life skills. These range from creating a future vision, increasing self-belief and self-worth, to mentoring and parenting support.

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    The program has two phases:
    Phase One. Eight weekly sessions of 2 1/2 hours each with a whānau hui at the start and finish.
    Phase Two. We are developing our service to provide weekly support for up to a year or longer with some program participants and their whānau. Providing one on one mentoring for some participants as well as connecting whānau with a variety of community resources such as parenting programs.

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    Our program is based most importantly on feedback from previous young people, whānau and community. It is also backed up by knowledge from social work, counselling and psychology.

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    Curriculum Alignment

    The program compliments the New Zealand Curriculum and its key competencies, specifically in relation to ‘managing self’, ‘relating to others’ and ‘participating and contributing’.
